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pApB pCpD pEpF pGpH pIpJ pKpL pMpN pOpP pQpR pSpT pUpV pWpX pYpZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
drop & plants 1, 4, 17, 22, 31, 40
dursban +plants 5
e +squares & plants 3, 42
e EARIS +plants & circle 5
e-flex +bird plants star 11
elephant & plants 16, 41
energetic +ribbon & plants 30
family plants & arcs 31
family plants & circle 42
flower & plants 7, 12
flower man plants & circle 30
flowers & plants 21, 24, 25, 35, 42
fork spoon plants & cogwhee 43
fresh @ +plants 1, 3, 5, 21, 29, 30, 34
fresh AT +plants 42
fruits & plants 5
ganesh fresh +plants 30
glow mask +plants & face 5
go-GRASS +plants 24
god oval & plants 30
gol gappa +plants & candle 43
gold MP +plants 30
gold SINGHA +plants 32
golden dust AMRUTA +plants 30
gorgeous look +plants 44
guwar NEELAM-71 +plants 31
h HARSHVARDHAN +plants 29, 30, 31, 32
hand plants & basket 42
hand & plants 30
hands plants & circle 30
hands plants & cogwheel 8
hands & plants 30
haresshvar capital +plants 43
head MASTER +chef & plants 30
healthy world +plants 30
heart angels & plants 30
herbal ACIGONE +plants 5
hindustan cosmetic +plants 3
horse & plants 24
huts & plants 21
india wine show +plants 16, 35
indian CART VILLA +plants 35
jat super +man & plants 1
jodhpur TAILORS +sun plants 35
jodhpur tailors +sun plants 40
k KAVERI +man plough plants 7
kmp BORO TONE +plants 5
knight plants dragon & oval 33
kudrati ORGO +man & plants 1
kutab minar +plants & tower 31
lamp & plants 30
lanka bidi +map & plants 34
leaves & plants 5
lemongrass CHAPATTI +plants 5
lemongrass oil +plants 5
lion crown plants & oval 33
m SS deluxe +plants & circl 30
man plants & circle 1
man & plants 1, 5, 34
man drum & plants 1
man oval & plants 9, 16
man spray & plants 7
man woman & plants 1
mangala +pot plants & squar 1, 5
mangalori PRABHU +plants 34
mava mahak +woman plants cu 30
mcp EMCEEPEE PAVAN +plants 30
mera no.1 +plants 30
mountains & plants 44
n +crown plants & oval 40
n +crown oval & plants 3
n NATCARE +plants & oval 3
nature care DABUR +plants 5
neema gold +plants & circle 1
new HIMANI +plants 3
new HORLICKS +cup & plants 5, 29, 30
nizamabad AGRO +plants 30
ofm ruchi macaroni +plants 30
ojas +plants 3
olive gold +fruits & plants 29
om KRUPALU +man lamp plants 44
om SEEDS +plants 31
oval & plants 5, 30, 42
p +lion cross & plants 25
p PRINCE +crown & plants 30
p palace ENCLAVE +plants 37
p palace enclave +plants 36
pandas plants & oval 34
paurush jiwan DEV +plants 5
perfect +tower & plants 11
plants 30
popcorn +plants 30
popular +circles & plants 29
popular +cogwheel & plants 7
portrait & plants 34
pot & plants 30
profit MEGHMANI +plants 5
prt +plants 30
punjab +hills & plants 32
r-MEG MEGHA +plants 5
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